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Summary of Privacy Notice

Summary of Privacy Notice

Lotus’s Money Services Limited Lotus’s General Insurance Broker Limited and Lotus’s Life Assurance Broker Limited, (collectively, ‘Group Company’ or ‘we’) have recognised the importance of your personal data and other data relating to you (collectively, “Personal Data”) and are committed to protecting the integrity of your Personal Data and privacy to assure you that Group Company collects, uses, discloses, or transfers your Personal Data with transparency and accountability in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562, and other relevant laws. Group Company has prepared this Privacy Notice to inform you about Group Company's collection, use, disclosure, or transfer of your Personal Data. Details of the Privacy Notice are summarised below.
What Personal Data is
Personal Data” means any information relating to an identifiable individual such as name and family name, national identification number, date of birth, address, and sensitive Personal Data such as facial, fingerprint, and religion data. However, Personal Data does not include the data of a deceased person.

Types of Personal Data that Group Company collects
Group Company starts collecting your Personal Data when you interact with Group Company by any means, such as when you apply for products or services of Group Company or when you carry out a financial transaction with Group Company. Personal Data that Group Company will collect includes:

  • details relating to you or data used in identifying and verifying your identity such as name, family name, date of birth, data on national identification card, signature, facial and fingerprint data;

  • contact details or means of contact such as telephone number, email, and address;

  • professional data such as occupation, positions, and workplace;

  • financial data such as salary or details relating to your accounts;

  • Personal Data of other persons that Group Company has received from you such as your spouse, a joint account holder, or guarantors;

  • security data such as data obtained from closed-circuit television cameras;

  • Personal Data required under notifications or relevant laws.

Channels through which Group Company collects your Personal Data
Group Company may collect your Personal Data through main channels including:

  • Group Company branches or via sales and marketing activities;

  • online channels such as mobile applications, ATMs, websites, or online social network platforms (e.g., Line and Facebook);

  • other channels such as public data, government agencies, financial group companies or business partners of Group Company.

Why Group Company need to collect your Personal Data
Group Company collects your Personal Data to perform contractual and legal obligations, to protect legitimate interests and vital interests, establish and exercise rights and defences against claims or based on consent basis. In addition, Personal Data is collected for purposes such as:

  • to allow Group Company to provide services to you, i.e., to carry out your identity verification and authentication before you can use products/services or before you carry out transactions with Group Company or to allow us to receive your complaints;

  • to allow Group Company to manage relations and interactions between you and Group Company, i.e., to notify results of your application for services, your application for additional information, and to offer products/services;

  • for the purposes of improving quality of services, i.e., to analyse and evaluate your satisfaction about Group Company services or to analyse data for the development of products/services to ensure that you have the best experience;

  • to comply with laws that are applicable to Group Company;

  • to allow Group Company to contact, coordinate, and carry out transactions with its business partners that you report to.

Group Company may not be able to provide services or take steps as you may request if you do not provide Group Company with the Personal Data required to be collected for the performance of a contract or for the purposes of legal compliance.
How long Group Company keep your Personal Data
Group Company retains your Personal Data for relevant periods, i.e., for as long as you continue to use Group Company’s products/services or have a relationship with Group Company, or as is required by the law.
Who we disclose your Personal Data to
Group Company may disclose your Personal Data to persons/agencies such as:

  • Personal Data Processors, external service providers, representatives of Group Company, sub-contractors, co-brand business partners and other business partners;

  • other financial institutions who provide services relating to money transfer among Group Company;

  • government agencies or competent authorities such as the Bank of Thailand, the Department of Provincial Administration, the Anti-Money Laundering Office, and the Office of Insurance Commission.

Your Statutory Rights
As a data subject, you have the following statutory rights relating to the collection, use, or disclosure of your Personal Data:

  • right of access by the data subject;

  • right to rectification;

  • right to erasure or destruction of Personal Data;

  • right of restriction of processing;

  • right to object to the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data;

  • right to withdraw consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Data;

  • right to data portability; and

  • right to complain when you consider that Group Company has failed to comply with the laws relating to Personal Data protection.

You may contact us to exercise your right when the law comes into effect at the following channels:
- Credit card & loan product Tel. 1712 or UCHOOSE application.
- Insurance products via Lotus’s General Insurance Broker Limited (LGIB) and Lotus’s Life Assurance Broker Limited (LLAB)
Tel. 0-2627-8888

Additional Information
You may find additional details of the Privacy Notice in its full version which is available via the links below:


  • For the full version of Group Company’s Privacy Notice

    Click here

Group Company’s contact details if you have questions
If you have further questions about this Privacy Notice, please contact our Data Protection Officers at
e-mail: dpo.ksconsumer@krungsri.com
Address: Krungsri Ploenchit Tower, 550 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330
Telephone: 0-2627-8000